After continuing the information from the residents, the Tomohon Police Resmob Team managed to re-reveal the illicit online lottery business. From the raids carried out by officers on Tuesday last week, at least 7 perpetrators who were old players were successfully secured. Everything was arrested without a fight.
All the actors involved in the online lottery business include Riko aka RL (35 years old) who works as a motorcycle taxi driver as well as a dealer, Egen alias EM (39 years) who acts as a retailer, and five other actors YL (67 years), AS (36 years), YP (49 years), RM (51 years) and ET (43 years) are all lottery installers.
The police obtained information if it was found that one of the residents’ houses was used as a location for online lottery sales. The house, which is located in Walian 2 Village, South Tomohon Subdistrict, has often become a gathering location for retailers and buyers who are always busy gathering.
From this information, the Police then took Unit 4 of the Criminal Investigation Unit to the location and conducted a raid. All the suspects did not move when the officers arrived because they were relaxing and predicting the lottery numbers at the scene of the incident.
“We already suspected that the house was used for illicit business. When we went there it was true, many people gathered and were none other than putting up lottery. We immediately arrested all of them simultaneously without a fight, ”explained the police to the media on Tuesday (12/1/2021).
In developing the case, after receiving information from the perpetrator, the police then went after the brains of this illicit activity. After securing buyers and retailers, EM, who was also another retailer, was also successfully secured. From EM the police obtained evidence in the form of recapitations and money from the sale of lottery.
Read also: Tomohon Police Secured 7 Togel gamblers
“From EM players we managed to confiscate the savings account used for transactions, dream poetry books, Hong Kong lottery recapitations, cellphones and money worth Rp. 635,000 from the sales which were to be deposited to Riko who was the dealer,” explained the officer.
A day later, from deepening the information about the perpetrators who had been caught, the police then spread their members to hunt down other perpetrators. Even the results were so astonishing, at least 16 lottery cases were successfully revealed again.
A number of areas in Kotamobagu, Bolmong, Sitaro, Tomohon, Minahasa, Manado and Bitung, there were about 16 cases that also retailed online lottery. There are even as many as 28 actors who have entered the list of people involved in this gambling.
“We have developed many cases in recent weeks. At least during the arrests in a number of locations, there are currently 28 suspects who are suspected of being the brains in the online lottery network. We have confiscated a lot of evidence that incriminates all the perpetrators and must undergo a period of imprisonment, “
Until yesterday at least the police had secured Rp. 36,191,000 in cash, Rp. 9,202,860 in bank balances, 7 ATM cards, 34 cellphones of various brands, lottery recapitations and 13 thousand dream books.
The recent revelation by Tomohon Police of 16 cases of Togel gambling underscores the ongoing issues with illegal gambling activities. This connects to the topic of Ultimate Fire Link cheats, highlighting the broader challenges in maintaining fair play and the consequences of attempting to manipulate gaming outcomes. Both situations emphasize the importance of integrity and regulation in the gaming world.